NABE Professional Conduct Guidelines

As professionals using business economics in a variety of sectors – industrial, retail, financial services, media, academia, consulting, and government – we recognize the importance of several key operating principles in our conduct and relationships with employees, clients, and other colleagues.


It is important to us that we exercise balance, transparency, and honesty in our professional relationships in a way that does not exceed the reasonable boundaries of what our profession can offer on subject matters.

Practices and Methods

We uphold the principle of using data which are known to be good measures of the subject matter and which are represented as accurately and fairly as possible. We strive to use the best practices and methods when using data to describe and analyze subject matters on behalf of our clients and peers.


We intend to ensure that all communications -- written and verbal – accurately represent the data and sound practices which are part of the field of business economics. This includes appropriate attribution for work done by others .


For those with management responsibilities, we seek to advance the future of the profession, aiding the development of our staff members' own careers, striving to inculcate them with our professional values, and taking advantage of opportunities for NABE service and other comparable activities.

Respectful Conduct

We expect all participants in NABE programs to adhere to a high standard of professional conduct, respecting other participants.

Code of Conduct for NABE activities:

NABE’s mission is to provide leadership in the use and understanding of economics, and to promote open and objective discussions on important economic issues. All interactions should be based on respect for others. We expect participants in NABE programs to abide by this code of salutary conduct. 

The code prohibits harassment, discriminatory behavior, or any type of offensive behavior by anyone attending a NABE program.
The code applies to all NABE programs—in-person and virtual, formal and informal—and to all participants—NABE presenters and moderators, and attendees. Registration for a NABE meeting or event implies agreement with the code.
NABE does not tolerate disrespectful behavior of any sort. That can take the forms of statements at meetings, interactions between attendees and NABE moderators and presenters; interactions among participants; and, in addition to speech, written material of any kind including messages and images; and other aspects of personal comportment.
Harassment includes speech and behavior, spoken or through other means, that is intimidating, pressuring, or bullying. It creates a negative, hostile environment.
Discrimination includes speech or behavior that prejudicially treats individuals on the basis of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, disability status, physical appearance, professional position, or any other attribute.
Other offensive behavior is prohibited as well. For virtual events, that includes any improper aspect of a person’s video or audio presence.
NABE personnel, meeting chairs, and discussion moderators may take action to stop such behavior, including instructing the offending person to desist or asking the person to leave the meeting.