Global Flows, Supply Chains and Interconnected World Webinar

Global Flows, Supply Chains, and the Interconnected World
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
12-1pm ET

In this session, you’ll gain insights and a more nuanced perspective on trends in global flows of goods, services, capital, people, data, and ideas and a practitioner perspective on what they mean for multinational companies.  Based on new research from the McKinsey Global Institute, the session will explore the state of global value chains, including interdependencies and concentration risks.   


Questions to be explored:

What is the state of globalization after the COVID-19 crisis?

Is the world deglobalizing or integrating in a different way?

What are emerging trends that may accelerate shifts in global value chains in the coming decade?

How can companies harness the benefits of interconnection while managing the risks stemming from interdependency?



Ioana Mazare, Vice President, Enterprise Data Strategy, UPS

Olivia White, Senior Partner and Director, McKinsey Global Institute


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12/7/2022 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Eastern Standard Time
Online registration not available.

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